Jess sits behind a stack of books with her legs crossed and one arm draped across the top of the pile. She is smiling, has long brown hair and wears black rimmed glasses.

I am a casual academic at Curtin University, teaching in the Professional Writing and Publishing course, and have presented workshops at Katherine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre, Peter Cowan Writers Centre, and Writing WA.

My Masters thesis examined the editorial approach to speculative fiction manuscripts that utilised fictional languages which I subsequently presented about at the IPEd Conference in June 2021. I have been a judge with the Aurealis Awards since 2019 and have presented workshops on world building and speculative fiction writing for editors and authors alike.

You can see a range of the workshops I have on offer on my Workshops page, learn more about my author services across on the Editing and Mentoring pages, and see any events, workshops and presentations I’ll be hosting or appearing at on my Upcoming Events page. Otherwise, feel free to get in touch through my Contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Hi! Thanks for dropping by.

I am Jess Gately, a freelance editor and publishing professional based in Boorloo (Perth), Western Australia, specialising in speculative fiction.

Over the years, I’ve held numerous roles with organisations such as Fremantle Press, Night Parrot Press, Perth Festival, AWESOME Arts, Writing WA, the Small Press Network of Australia, and Editors WA (a branch of the Insitute of Professional Editors).