Below are the workshops I have pre-prepared and ready to run at any time.
All workshops are designed to be 3 hours in length including hands-on activities and real-life examples.
Book me to run one for your local writing group or centre.
Alternatively, get in touch to discuss a custom workshop designed for your needs.
Social media for authors
One of my most popular workshops!
Do you know the difference between a post, a story, and a reel? What are alt-text and image descriptions and how do you use them? And how do you take interesting and aesthetically pleasing photos?
Learn about different social media platforms and how to use them effectively as an author to build your writing community and create a following in preparation for the release of your writing.
Available as a 3-hour hands-on workshop or a 1.5 hour presentation.
Build your author platform
The perfect follow-on from Social Media for Authors, learn how to define your author brand and use it to create a content plan for blogs, social media, and author biographies, as well as how it can help you make strategic decisions for your writing career.
Perfect for writers of all stages – even if your book is not published yet!
Self-editing your manuscript: Stage 1 (structural editing)
Learn how to assess elements of style, character, plot and pacing in your own novel in this workshop designed to help you in the initial stages of self-editing.
Ideal for writers who already have at least a first draft of their manuscript and are looking at the next stage.
Self-editing your manuscript: Stage 2 (copy editing)
Are you unsure whether your sentences need a comma or a full stop? Do you want to know how to use a semicolon effectively? And what’s the deal with dialogue tags and punctuation?
Delve into the nitty gritty elements of language, grammar and punctuation to help improve your writing style when self-editing.
Ideal for writers with a completed manuscript who have already engaged in structural-level self-editing or those who struggle with style and clarity in their narrative writing.
Submit Successfully
Get a step up on your submission applications to publishers in a practical workshop of information and activities covering the do’s and don’t of submitting your work, writing a pitch letter and perfecting your author bio.
Designed for writers with a polished manuscript ready to submit to agents and publishers, or writers with short stories looking to submit to journals and anthologies.
Writing Speculative Fiction
Explore the boundless possibilities and power of speculative fiction to tell realistic stories in ‘unrealistic’ worlds.
Whether you’ve always written speculative fiction or you’re just trying it out for the first time, this workshop looks at the variety of speculative fiction sub-genres, examines the use and power of tropes, and how to address common issues around exposition and world-building all while learning methods for generating new ideas.
Level-up your worldbuilding
Take your speculative fiction story to the next level in this workshop designed to help you build an effective speculative world and integrate it into your story without info-dumping.
Learn about different models of world-building, tools for creating worlds and for conveying them to readers, and how your world-building can create meaningful and exciting options for plot development and conflict.
An editor’s guide to giving
(and receiving) feedback
Great for writers’ groups, writing facilitators, beta readers and those interested in becoming an editor, this workshop looks at building positive relationships with writers by clearly assessing their goals and then applying various methods of feedback to help the writer achieve those goals.
Learn to build trust to and be sensitive to authors’ needs in this practical workshop aimed at improving relationships between writers.
Ready to book into a workshop?
Remember to include which workshop you’d like me to run in your message!